Booking Balloons with Us is Simple!

  • Submit a Quote Request

    Fill out our personalized event quote form. Provide as much information as possible, but don't worry if you aren't sure yet - we're here to help!

  • We Will Get Back to You!

    Once we've received your submission, please allow 24-48 hours for a reply. We will provide you with as much information as possible based on your contact form.

    After we have connected to go over the details, we will send you a detailed quote for your review.

  • Book Your Date!

    Once we have finalized the details of your order including which products, color scheme, location, and any other logistics, you will receive an invoice via Square which can be paid securely with a credit card.

Payment Terms

For balloon installations less than 2 weeks out, 100% payment is due at the time of booking.

For balloon installations, more than 2 weeks out 50% is due at the time of booking and the balance paid at least 24 hours before the installation.

All invoices are sent via Square. Other terms may be available to businesses on a case-by-case basis.

Common questions + things to consider when ordering balloon décor.

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Do you have latex-free balloon options?

Latex-free? No problem! We offer a variety of foil and other non-latex balloon options for your latex-free function!

How long do you need the balloons to last?

How long you need the balloons plays a factor in what to order.

Helium balloons are treated with hi-float and should last a couple of days.

Indoor air-filled décor will generally last and look nice and fresh for a week or two. Outdoor decor is generally good for the day.

Venue contract rules + limitations

If your event is being held at an event space, there is generally a set of rules set forth by the venue.

Some things to consider are setup time allotment, helium balloon policy, outside vendor policy, and if items are able to be hung/rigged using 3M hooks or other temporary methods.

This information will determine what decor will be best for your space.

Each product will have the setup time and specifications listed to help you decide what is best.

What do you want to accomplish with the balloons?

Think about WHY you are choosing balloons.

Do you want a pop of color?

A specific purpose?

Do you want to mark an entrance?

Do you want to draw your guests' attention to somewhere specific?

Do you want a photo op? Are you trying to gather guests for photos?

Do you want a statement piece?

How much setup and tear-down time do you have?

Will the balloons be indoor or outdoor?

This is one of the biggest factors in choosing décor.

Some items are good for indoor use only. Wind, rain, heat, etc., all play a role in the success of outdoor décor.

Our most popular outdoor décor would be arches, columns, party poles, and garlands.

What is an organic garland, arch, etc.?

Organic when it comes to balloon décor, simply refers to how the balloons are arranged.

Organic décor has randomly sized balloons that are put together to create the piece.

Classic décor refers to balloons that are the same sized, generally following a very specific pattern.

Choosing classic or organic décor depends on personal taste and style and the theme of your event.

I still can't decide, can you help?!

YES! We are more than happy to help you come up with the perfect balloon decor for your space and specific event. Get started with a custom quote today.